Make Your Pedicure Last Longer – Tips & Tricks From The Pros!
Summer is finally here! You can’t wait to slip into those cute strappy sandals and go frolicking in the sun. But if you are anything like me, you aren’t letting anyone see your winter feet until they get a proper pedicure! A good pedicure these days can be a bit of a splurge, but it’s so worth it because it makes our feet look and feel like heaven. Baby soft skin and perfect shiny toe nails – we need it, we want it, we can’t wait to get it.
The only question is how can we make our lovely pedicures last longer. Keep reading! At Namaste | Nail Sanctuary we want to make sure that our guests get the most out of their pedicure services this summer, so our resident nail experts created this ultra-thorough guide full of useful tips and tricks to help your precious pedicures last as long as they possibly can!
Contrary to popular misconception, nail polish doesn’t completely harden shortly after application, in fact it actually takes 12-24 hours! During this time polish is especially fragile and prone to damage! So schedule your pedicure on a day that won’t require much from your feet, a chill kind of day where you can kick your freshly pedicured toes up and relax.
Come to your pedicure appointment in or with sandals in hand, otherwise be ready to walk out in those funny single use flip flops, because putting your feet inside close-toed shoes after your service is a pedicure crime! The polish, even though it might appear dry, simply isn’t ready to experience any friction. At best you will have affected its shine and structure, at worst…well let’s not think about that, it’s just too sad!
During that precarious first 12-24 hours after your pedicure service heat and moisture are the enemy, as they reverse the hardening process. So skip the warm bath/shower, the jacuzzi, the hot yoga class, the sweaty spin class, the steam room and sauna, and let your pedicure breathe and rest. You will not only avoid the bitter disappointment of messing it up, but it will also go on to fight that much harder to stay on your toes for the remainder of its beautiful lifespan!
If you get either of these polish options you can forget all of the above, because they harden completely within just a few minutes of application! A great option for someone who simply cannot remember to bring sandals, cannot chill and never skips their hot yoga!
I know this is a hard one, because summers and pool-fun are practically synonymous! So, let’s just call what follows a strong suggestion with a warning sprinkled on top. Chlorine’s job is basically to wreak havoc on everything, in this capacity it has many useful applications but what it will do to your pretty pedi is not one of them. Chlorine will compromise the integrity of your polish, causing it to fade and crack! It will also dry out your skin and cuticles. If you can’t resist the pool’s lure this summer, it’s ok, jump in, but please as soon as you are done, thoroughly rinse off your feet with fresh water and apply unscented lotion! Aftercare goes a long way here!
Moisturize your feet daily but only with unscented lotion! It is important that you use fragrance-free moisturizers on your pedicured feet (and manicured hands). Like chlorine, the chemicals in synthetic smells will affect the integrity of your polish, potentially weakening it and causing it to chip, crack and warp.
Your pedicure is so beautiful you want to show it off all day, unfortunately overexposure to the elements will actually shorten its lifespan. So, whenever you aren’t showing off your lovely feet, cover up those toes to prolong the lifespan of your pedi! Additionally, most of us don’t realize how often we actually bang and scuff our feet even while just hanging out at home! The simplest solution and a perfect barrier of protection is socks! This is a great pedicure saving habit to form, so grab a pair and slip them on, your feet will be cozy and your polish protected!
During your service top coat is applied to protect your polish. Unfortunately it starts rubbing off within just a few days of service! So it’s a great idea to get your own bottle of top coat and reapply every couple of days to help keep your polish shiny and free from chips, scuffs and scratches!
Are you in the habit of bringing your own bottle of polish to your pedicure appointments because you know that salons commonly dilute their polishes to make them last longer? Let me assure you that at Namaste | Nail Sanctuary we never tamper with or dilute any of our products, so there is no need to bring your own polish to your appointment. However, it is a good idea to buy a bottle of polish that matches the color that was applied during your service, so you can administer your own little quick fixes when/if it becomes necessary!
Cuticles and nails drying out will affect the integrity and longevity of your polish, causing it to crack and peel. Applying cuticle oil to your toe nails daily is a great way to promote the health of your nails and the longevity of your pedicure. Rub a few drops of oil into your cuticles and nails to keep them moisturized and your polish will not only shine but last!